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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2018

Perilaku Kuat Tekan dan Kuat Tarik Beton Campuran Limbah Plastik

Perilaku Kuat Tekan dan Kuat Tarik Beton Campuran Limbah Plastik HDPE (Compressive and Tensile Strength Behavior of Concrete Filled with HDPE Waste) BAGUS SOEBANDONO, AS’AT PUJIANTO, DANAR KURNIAWAN ABSTRACT Concrete is one of the most commonly used materials for construction. Due to the increased of concrete demand, the need for alternative material to substitute natural aggregate becomes crucial. In this study HDPE plastic waste was used as artificial aggregate. HDPE was mixed with natural coarse aggregate at variation of 0%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Compressive test and split tensile tests were performed on concrete age of 28 days. The compressive strength of concrete decreased with the addition of HDPE levels. The result shows that the highest value of compressive strength was 27,88 MPa on 0% HDPE and the lowest value was 11,08 MPa on 20% HDPE mixture. The highest split tensile strength achieved by normal concrete of 2,71 MPa. Split tensile strength of concrete gradually ...